Friday, September 30, 2011

Did Ashton Kutcher party with Sara Leal three months before their 'fling?' (Photos)

 Roosevelt Hotel with a blonde who resembles Sara Leal back in June  Pictures have surfaced showing Ashton Kutcher with a blonde woman who resembles his alleged lover Sara Leal three months before their reported nightclub ‘fling’.The actor was seen leaving the Roosevelt Hotel with the woman back in June after watching the Beacher’s Madhouse show with friends.In the unearthed photographs,...
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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Update-Josh Powell, Husband of Susan Powell, Subject of Child Porn Investigation

Creepy man… After last week's arrest of Steven Powell - the father-in-law of missing Utah woman Susan Powell - on child porn and voyeurism charges, Steven's son and Susan's husband, Josh Powell, is also the subject of a child porn investigation. Josh and his two sons had been living in Steven's house. The Susan Powell case remains open and unsolved. The accusation about the porn drew an...
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who is Sara Leal, New Mistress of Ashton Kutcher?

  Has Demi Moore finally had it with what one source deems to be Ashton Kutcher's "serial" cheating? A new Star Magazine cover story claims this couple is headed for divorce because the Two and a Half Men star couldn't keep it in his pants again, this time hooking up with a 23-year old named Sara Leal on September 23rd - a day before his sixth wedding anniversary, which he and Moore did...
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nancy Grace and other Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunction of 2011 (video) Part 5

This is my 5th blog on Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunctions. In this blog you will see recent episode in which Nancy Grace Wardrobe Malfunction: Host Exposes Nipple On 'Dancing with the Stars. You will also see some more Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunction in 2011 Embarrassing Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunction Part1 New Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunction More Celebrity’s Wardrobe Malfunction 4rth...
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Who is Leisha Hailey, and why she is booted off Flight?

Leisha Hailey, an actress most recently seen on CSI but best known for her role on Showtime's The L Word, was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight today and immediately took to twitter to complain that she and her girlfriend got the boot because of their sexual orientation. Hailey says a flight attendant asked her and her partner to leave because they were kissing and, according to the stewardess,...
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