Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Update-Michaele Salahi- False Kidnapping, she has Wildly Sexual Affair with Neal Schon

Another Hollywood scandal….

Michaele and Tareq Salahi Pic

Neal Schon Picture

The theory that someone kidnapped Michaele Salahi was quickly debunked ... but the truth was even weirder, which is standard fare for the Salahis.As we reported last night, the White House party crasher and Real Housewives of D.C. star was not abducted. She was with Neal Schon of Journey.Michaele's husband Tareq was apparently as blindsided as everyone else, saying he considered Neal and his band members "friends" ... until now. Contrary to Tareq's belief that his wife had been kidnapped, Michaele Salahi in fact was with Neal in Tennessee, bouncing from one Journey concert to the next. Tareq has been crying hysterically, according to reports, saying he feels his life is over because Michaele is all he lived for and she's having an affair with Neal.Whatever their status, they are well are acquainted. The band recently came to their winery in Virginia, played for free and stayed with Tareq and Michaele. Moreover, just two weeks ago, Tareq and Michaele went to a Journey show and hung out backstage with Neal and a woman named Ava at the Virginia show.Tareq says that's Neal's wife, which would make this even more absurd ... but either way, Michaele was reportedly bragging about their "wild sex" recently

Who is Michaele Salahi-?

Picture of Michaele Salahi

She stars on The Real Housewives of Washington D.C. She first rose to fame when she and her husband, Tareq, crashed a White House party in the November 2009.She's a native of northern Virginia and has worked as a part-time model. Michaele and her man also spend time at the Salahi family vineyard, Oasis Winery.


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